
February 14, 2009

Goal without a Plan

It's been a week since my last post. I have been tweaking my generic blogger blog, trying to add a better comment form, customizing my share button for easier access, reading up on SEO and surfing the Web for everything I can think of, except, doing what I should be doing...adding content to my blog.

All I've been doing is postponing the inevitable which is, staring at a blank screen. Oh, have I told you that I've also been reading hundreds of posts on writer's block and how to get past it. It would help if I followed some of the advice, instead I keep searching for that quick fix, where I'll have some sort of epiphany and words will pour forth without resistance. That has not happened yet.

What the experts say about writing is true. It's 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. I realize now that the three most important words in writing are structure, structure, structure. Attempting to write, during the 30-minute wait time in the parking lot outside my daughter's piano lesson, is not a very efficient way to write.

I read this bit of wisdom in the most unlikely place, on the marquee of an automotive repairs place. "A goal without a plan is just a wish". Those words made me drop everything and formulate my goals and strategies right away. I'm keeping it very simple, no lofty and unrealistic ambitions like 10,000 visitors a day or make $1million in a year.

Here are my uncomplicated and straightforward goals and strategies to keep on track.


1. Write 3 posts a week.

2. Read blogs, news feeds, and twitter updates for ideas and inspiration.

3. Comment on at least 5 different posts everyday and make a positive contribution.


1. Allot a 4 hour window everyday for writing.

2. Allot 2 hours to read and comment on interesting blogs.

3. Find good online tools to organize thoughts, blogs, and notes.

4. Write a list of ideas with a brief blurb.

I think this is it for now, This list may change as I gain more confidence and add more content, and who knows, maybe even include one or two lofty goals at that time.
How do you structure you're writing process?


  1. I find I get ideas at the weirdest times. I write them down b-4 I forget them. When I can't think of what to write, I check my list.

    Recent blog post: Valentines Day

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment. It looks like you are newish to blogging & are still trying to find your "voice".

    I have been blogging for almost 2 years now.
    A few tips: 1. Blog about what you know and what matters to you. Don't worry about what others want to hear.
    2. What is your niche or angle you are blogging from? (30 second bio) It helps to have an overall theme.
    3. Join a blogger site where you can find like minded bloggers. ex. if you are a mom, the is a great network.
    4. Leaving comments on other blogs (like mine) is a great way to meet & connect with other bloggers.
    5. Have fun. What started as a curiosity has become a great release and a fun way to document my daily life. Not every post will be a great one but I love to look back & see where I was a year ago.

    I see you love photography. Wordless Wednesday is a great way to showcase your work, you don't have to be a great photographer. I also love Friday Fragments on

    Just jump in! Hope this helps!

    Recent blog post: Friday Fragments - Buzz-Kill

  3. Carolee: Thanks for that tip. When I'm working on the laptop and something strikes me , I use Evernote to jot down ideas, link, useful info. When you're on the go, a notebook and pencil is very useful tool.

  4. @Bad Momma: Thanks for comment. The Wordless Wednesday theme is a great idea and I'm going to incorporate that. Unlike a lot of bloggers whose offline friends are bloggers or social media persona, I really don't have any friends in this sphere. So trying to find an online community to participate and make connections is one of my goals. Thank you for stopping by.


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